
学术课程:1-2门课程学分:6学分教学语言:英语和/或西班牙语最低西班牙语水平要求:初学者(没有西班牙语经验要求)。最低GPA: 2.5/4.0成绩单:由Jacksonvil发行


想要在夏天外出,但又想让它对你的学术生涯有价值?巴塞罗那国际学院(BIC)为期四周的西班牙文化和语言暑期课程为学生提供了在一个被来自世界各地的学生包围的国际校园里学习人文、商业和西班牙语课程的机会,以获得美国学分!作为项目费用的一部分,您将在到达现场之前获得三次免费的bridge虚拟语言课程供您使用!每节课持续2小时,包括课前和课后的在线活动,以及与有资格的母语教师面对面的私人时间。使用bridgvirtual,您将从实际作业中学习,包括视频、博客、新闻文章和各种各样的材料,适合所有水平和兴趣。你将被分配给自己的老师,他将通过完全个性化的一对一课程来指导和激励你,让学习变得有趣、实用和有效。最重要的是,你将拥有在国外课程中取得成功所需的语言工具。必威体育投注betway你知道巴塞罗那是世界上拥有最多联合国教科文组织世界遗产的城市吗?拥有毕加索等著名西班牙人的艺术和建筑,Miró, Dalí和Gaudí?有13家米其林星级餐厅? Is home to thousands of students, both from within Spain and around the world? Has over 3 miles of beach within 15 minutes of the city center? Is host to a completely bi-lingual community? Is no more than a 2 hour flight away from the following cities: Rome, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Munich, Madrid?

学术课程:1-2门课程学分:6学分教学语言:英语和/或西班牙语最低西班牙语水平要求:初学者(没有西班牙语经验要求)。最低GPA: 2.5/4.0成绩单:由杰克逊维尔大学颁发(为了获得学分,学生必须获得C或更高的成绩)。对于BIC为期4周的暑期课程,学生有以下学术选择:选项a(6学分):1门西班牙语课程(45学时,3学分)加上1门选修课(每门3学分)选项B(6学分):1门西班牙语强化课程(90学时,6学分)选项C(6学分):2门选修课(45学时,每门3学分)可能的课程包括:本课程以超现实主义理论为中心,以及这些理论是如何在艺术作品中体现出来的。安德烈·布雷顿(Andre Breton)和西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)的理论和诗歌构成了对画家和雕塑家视觉作品分析的基础,但主要集中在Miró、Dalí和毕加索的作品,以及加泰罗尼亚是如何影响他们的作品的。学生们将学习布列东的超现实主义宣言和弗洛伊德的梦的解释,以及艺术家们如何遵守或拒绝他们的背景所来自的艺术传统。西班牙和加泰罗尼亚的体育与社会本课程将研究西班牙体育与社会之间关系的各个方面,特别强调在加泰罗尼亚具有悠久传统的体育。我们将研究体育对西班牙社会的影响以及社会对西班牙体育实践的影响。本课程首先考虑体育研究中的一般理论问题,然后再讨论西班牙体育的历史发展,特别是在加泰罗尼亚。我们还研究了西班牙体育暴力、性别、种族、民族和国家身份的相互影响。 Spanish Civilization and Culture The objective of this course is to acquire general knowledge of the main events of the history of Spain and their influence upon contemporary Spanish life and culture. Additionally, we will discuss the major areas of Spanish life and how they have changed in the last century so as to better understand principal current ideological, political and cultural tendencies. Finally, by comparing U.S. and Spanish cultural trends, students should gain a new understanding of their own culture and cultural adaptation. We will look at far-reaching social issues such as politics, gender, class and religion, as well as issues facing Spain today such as obesity, regionalism, changing trends in food, and especially the Spanish family. International Business In today’s world, all business is international business. Whether you are buying a book, a phone or a new car, the chances are that at some point in the life of that product, several countries or cultures, were involved. This course is meant to be an overview of the tests that businesses face as globalization becomes even more entrenched in everyday life. The primary focus throughout the course is on the economic, political, cultural and legal forces that challenge businesses. International Marketing International marketing is more than a simple application of marketing principles to more than one country. In a world that becomes incresingly globalized, marketing strategies become absolutely essential. Both global and international marketing are attached to each other. In one hand, international marketing involves the firm in making one or more marketing mix decisions across national boundaries. In the other hand, global marketing involves the firm in establishing manufacturing facilities overseas and coordinating marketing strategies across the globe. Cross cultural differences have an important role in both internal and external ways. This course provides the knowledge of the fundamental concepts of international marketing from a European perspective. It is organized so that each class is either a lecture or a case discussion. Spanish Language Courses Students may take Spanish-language courses at the beginner, intermediate, upper-intermediate and advanced levels; or for the intensive courses, at the beginner and intermediate levels. Spanish language acquisition is a top priority for the staff at BIC and they encourage language development in every aspect of the program. From the Spanish language classes to the excursions to the printed materials, we provide students with multiple opportunities to use Spanish in their everyday life. Admission Requirements: Be enrolled as an undergraduate at a U.S. university or college Have a GPA of 2.5 or higher Have the required minimum language proficiency





