Do you want to study abroad but you don’t know if you should? I had
the same thought and at the end, I’m glad I did! The process can be long
and complicated because of the application requirements, scholarship
hunts, constant study abroad office visits, and research, but TRUST me,
at the end it’s worth it. I’ve always been the introverted girl pampered
by my family, but after I turned 20, I decided to step out of New York
City and see the other side of the world by studying abroad in Yonsei
University, Seoul, South Korea.

The first step is to select a potential country where you want to
study abroad in, next, file the application and lastly, follow the
过程。我选择的原因Korea because it is a beautiful and
intriguing country and some
of my close friends live here. Many people would ask me, why did you
choose Korea?
Your Asian. Yes, I am Chinese American but even though the Asian
cultures are very similar to one another, they are different in many
ways. Yes, we all eat rice, use chopsticks, have black hair, and look
similar, but the languages, history,
and traditions are very different. The best way to understand and be
immersed with the culture and language is to live and study there.

Even before I know I have been selected, I did a significant amount
of research on the basic facts I needed to know about Korea. My friends
helped me find information about how to open a bank and cell phone
account, and even found an exchange student’s and native student’s email
address so that i inquire about the school and country. It was very
conducive because they gave me extremely helpful tips and suggestions
based from their own experiences. One particular suggestion is to
register for an alien registration card as soon as possible or else you
will miss out on the free events which require the card.
