



志愿者将在哥伦比亚学习和利用环境、经济和社会文化发展方面的技能,包括项目设计、战略规划、有针对性的创新、可持续性规划、可行性分析、联盟调解、筹款和生产过程。这些都是当今社会变革领导者的关键能力。8周计划行程示例:哥伦比亚莱蒂西亚第一天-周二:抵达波哥大,受到“改变之心”的工作人员的欢迎,他们将在机场迎接他们,并带他们到当地的住处。志愿者将住在专门为国际志愿者设计的合适住房中。入住后,志愿者们将开始吃饭和休息。第二天-周三:我们将在志愿者的住处接他们,并将他们带到接下来三天的培训地点。到达培训地点后,我们将提供早餐,并讨论以下主题:物流、安全、建议和提示、程序、行为准则等。午餐后,我们将参与互动活动,各种演讲,在一天结束时,我们将安排当地的交通工具将志愿者送回他们的住所。第三天-周四:在当地的熟食市场买早餐。在这里,志愿者将观察不同的动态。 Plazarte: Plaza + Arte tour while the second day of training takes place. At the end of the day a local transport will be arranged to take the volunteers back to their housing. Day 4 – Friday: The volunteers will attend their last day of training accompanied by a Heart for Change staff member who will explain the different items that will take place during the following weeks. We will discuss different aspects such as: Social work, needs, schedule, expectations and the strategic plan. Delegates from Hosts Organization will assist to the sessions. During the late afternoon we will have a parranda vallenata (live music) as a welcome party for the volunteers to kick off their adventure in Colombia. Day 5 – Saturday: On Saturday after the welcome party and the 3 days of training, the volunteers will enjoy a tour through the historic center of Bogotá including the most important highlights of the city in the Prehispanic and Colonial Bogotá Tour. Day 6 – Sunday: Off to Leticia, Amazons. The volunteers will be picked up at their housing by the guide that will accompany them to the rest of their journey. Once in Leticia, Amazons we will take taxis to our housing in Mundo Amazónico where they will be accommodated in a huge maloka (indigenous house). Week #2 The volunteers will start the development in each project at Mundo Amazónico. Each volunteer will previously have the strategic plan to develop during the following weeks depending on their academic background and skills. The main idea during this week is that the volunteer gets close to the context and needs to understand the problematic and decide on priorities in order to be more effective. During this week and all the way through the end of their trip, HFC will conduct workshops at the end of the afternoon with the volunteers, local leaders to support the creation, managing of the projects. HFC will facilitate the methodology for each of the three stages that will allow the group to analyze and propose solutions for the different communities and challenges. Weekend Tour: Omagua “On the go Tour” Week #3 The volunteers will be working in the different projects assigned at Mundo Amazónico. During this and the following weeks they will be accompanied by a HFC staff member – bilingual guide that will not only be ready to give local support but also help, guide and mentoring the development of the strategic plans along with the local leaders. Weekend Tour: Trip to Marasha Natural Reserve. Week #4 The volunteers will keep working in their projects attending the different workshops with local leaders and the HFC staff member. Weekend Tour: Monkey Island and Puerto Nariño Week #5 The volunteers will keep working in their projects attending the different workshops with local leaders and the HFC staff member. Weekend Tour: Recycling Tour and Visit to the Artisans. Week #6 The volunteers will keep working in their projects attending the different workshops with local leaders and the HFC staff member. Weekend Tour: Kayak at Yahuarcaca lake. Week #7 The volunteers would be working in their projects and attending to the workshops with the people from the community. Weekend Tour: Kurupira Floating Boat. Week #8 (or last week) The volunteers would be working in their projects and attending to the workshops with the people from the community. On Thursday HFC will make a wrap up meeting with the local people involved in the projects and the volunteers. They will discuss and analyze the results, the overall experience and memoirs.

哥伦比亚的莱蒂西亚位于亚马逊的中心。志愿者将在Parque Mundo Amazónico项目的不同领域工作。所有小组都将由一名双语导游陪同,该导游是HFC的工作人员,他将与社区成员一起举办讲习班,并为项目中包括的所有活动提供一般支持。这个神奇的目的地存在于哥伦比亚,尽管对一些人来说,它还未被发现,在他们的脑海中遥不可及(远离现实)。莱蒂西亚是一个善良而温暖的城市,建在哥伦比亚亚马逊地区的中心,被认为是那些渴望沉浸在世界之肺丰富的自然和文化的起点。它最著名的景点包括:亚马逊河,它的力量在世界上独一无二,祖先的谜,生命和高贵。只有在这条河上发现了世界上最大的莲花……对于它的旅游条件,亚马逊拥有重要的基础设施,如
有关项目费用的更多详细信息,请参阅网站。4周-$ 3,400 8周-$4,800 12周-$6,200不包含在价格中:-国际机票-午餐-网页上未指定的项目