


实习时间:每周最多30个实习领域:会计,生物学/生态学,商业,计算机科学,国际关系,市场营销,药理学/医学在巴西工作:您的实习将使您直接在里约热内卢或圣保罗为基础的公司精心选择符合您的兴趣领域。你将每周花30个小时与你的组织在一起,从事实质性的项目,获得第一手的专业经验,并对巴西的职业生活有一个亲密的看法。工作将用英语进行(如果你精通西班牙语,也可以用西班牙语);基本的葡萄牙语有帮助,但不是必需的。实习生将被要求在实习期间参加FAAP的学术课程。选项包括春季学期(19周)、秋季学期(19周)和夏季学期(12周)。课程的学分将由FAAP提供;实习学分必须通过美国本土机构安排。当前实习职位示例:领域:语言/行政/新闻城市:圣保罗实习生任务:审查和编辑公司网站上发布的所有内容;制作要在网站上发布的内容。 Duration: Up to one year Field: Communication / Design / Web Design City: São Paulo Intern Tasks: Graphic references search, image processing, advertisement creation and graphic material finishing. Duration: 12-14 weeks Examples of Previous Internship Positions: Field: Accounting Intern Tasks: The internship will be done in an Accounting Office that develops tasks in Industrials and Commercials Companies and provides services for small and medium companies. This internship will give you experience in public organ, especially in the Andradina City Hall. And you also will have access to the public accounting software as well as technical visits to the accounting sector and the control sector of medium and major companies of Andradina and districts nearby, visit to the Regional Council of São Paulo Accounting, and visit to BOVESPA/BM&F (Stock Exchange in São Paulo-SP). Field: Business Administration/ Engineering / Economy Intern Tasks: Language support in documents translation (English and Spanish), telecons, visits, networking, researches, etc.; support in data field compilation, MS Project task management, Large Diesel market research and news distribution, presentations creation, market research and templates creation, electronic documents management. Field: International Relations Intern Tasks: Assist in conducting classroom work in the disciplines of international relations; participate in research group meetings on international conflicts and conflicts resolution; participate in event that are occurring in the internship period as a listener or assisting in organization. Course Load: Intensive Portuguese I and II (10-week), 2 Full-Length Courses (Semester) Total Credits Load: 4-6 (10-week), 12 (Semester) Language of Instruction: English and Portuguese Level of Language Proficiency: Beginner. Students studying Portuguese will complete a language placement test and personal interview upon arrival in order to determine appropriate language level. Minimum GPA: 2.5/4.0 Prerequisites: No prior knowledge of Portuguese is required. Academics Course Load: Intensive Portuguese I and II (10-week), 2 Full-Length Courses (Semester) Credit Load: 4-6 credits (10-week), 12-17 credits (Semester) Language of Instruction: English and/or Portuguese Minimum Portuguese Proficiency Required: Beginner. Students studying Portuguese will complete a language placement test and personal interview upon arrival in order to determine appropriate language level. Minimum GPA: 2.5/4.0 Prerequisites: No prior knowledge of Portuguese is required. Transcript: Issued by FAAP (for students taking courses in addition to their internship placement). Courses: Portuguese Language Courses: Students pursuing a 10-week internship will enroll in BridgeAbroad’s Intensive Portuguese program. Specially designed for students with beginning-level or no knowledge of Portuguese, these courses take a full-immersion approach, helping students to advance rapidly and master Portuguese as it’s actually spoken in Brazil. Rather than focusing on dry grammar and vocabulary, students will learn the language through a study of Brazil’s economy, culture, history, and literature—keeping classes engaging, relevant, and fun. Semester-Length Courses: Students who choose to complete a semester-length internship will enroll in 2 classes chosen from among FAAP’s English-language offerings. These courses are taught especially for international students and take advantage of FAAP’s strength in business and international relations. Topics of study include Doing Business in Brazil, Brazilian Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Agreements & Disputes, and Human Rights. By leaving the developed-world “bubble” and studying the

作为课程费用的一部分,您将在抵达现场之前获得三次免费的bridgvirtual语言课程。每节课持续2小时,包括课前和课后的在线活动,以及与经过认证的母语教师面对面的私人时间。有了BridgeVirtual,你将从实际作业中学习,包括视频、博客、新闻文章和各种各样的材料,适合所有层次和兴趣。你会有自己的老师,他会通过一个完全个性化的一对一课程来指导和激励你,让学习变得有趣、实用和有效。最重要的是,你将拥有在国外项目中取得成功所需的语言工具。必威体育投注betway当你在南半球最重要的城市实习、学习葡萄牙语和学习国际商务时,让自己沉浸在巴西的能量和文化中。里约热内卢和圣保罗是许多拉丁美洲领先公司的所在地,提供了无数的机会来加深你的专业经验,并亲身参与巴西非凡的经济崛起。从你入学的那一刻起,直到你离开后很长一段时间,你将享受到只有桥能提供的非凡支持。我们在巴西有超过二十年的经验,我们将用我们的专业知识来确保您在巴西的时间尽可能地无忧无虑。我们可以去机场接你,安排你的住宿,并帮助你在新家安顿下来。 And our expert on-site advisor will work with you to maximize the impact of your internship, ensuring that your time in Brazil will be one of personal and professional growth.

FAAP (funda o Armando Alvares Penteado)成立于1947年,是巴西最受尊敬的艺术和商业研究中心之一。FAAP在支持艺术方面有着悠久的历史;今天,它的艺术博物馆、剧院和艺术住宅项目继续为校园增添独特的文化活力。它的设施是最先进的,无线上网,高科技硬件和软件直接集成到课堂体验中。FAAP与全球近40个国家的合作机构合作,其视野完全国际化,社会责任仍然是其教育理念的支柱。必威在线FAAP位于巴西最大的城市、南美洲最具活力的城市之一圣保罗。圣保罗的商业实力可能比它的旅游景点更出名,但正如这个多元化大都市的居民所知,它国际知名的餐饮和夜生活场景以及无与伦比的文化产品使圣保罗成为那种难以离开的地方,而且不可能觉得无聊。在FAAP,圣保罗将是你的教室,学习的机会将和这里一样多




