
学术课程负荷:3-5门课程学分负荷:12-15学分教学语言:英语和/或西班牙语最低西班牙语水平要求:初学者(以前不需要西班牙语经验)。最低GPA: 2.5/4.0成绩单:由Jackso颁发


你是否有兴趣在西班牙度过一个学期,结识来自世界各地的学生,提高你的西班牙语水平,同时获得大学学分?那么巴塞罗那国际学院(BIC)的国际学期就是你的最佳选择!所有的课程都有课堂外的内容,无论是演讲嘉宾,社区旅游,还是参观世界上一些最著名的博物馆。大多数选修课用英语授课,但我们强烈鼓励学生参加强化西班牙语部分,以充分利用他们在巴塞罗那的留学经历。必威体育投注betwayBIC是由佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔大学(Jacksonville University)认证的,因此学生在商业和人文学科的英语和西班牙语课程中可以获得美国学分。西班牙语学习是BIC员工的首要任务,他们在项目的各个方面都鼓励语言发展。从西班牙语课程到短途旅行再到印刷材料,我们为学生提供了在日常生活中使用西班牙语的多种机会。作为课程费用的一部分,您将在抵达现场之前获得三次免费的bridgvirtual语言课程。每节课持续2小时,包括课前和课后的在线活动,以及与经过认证的母语教师面对面的私人时间。有了BridgeVirtual,你将从实际作业中学习,包括视频、博客、新闻文章和各种各样的材料,适合所有层次和兴趣。 You will be assigned your own teacher, who is dedicated to guiding and motivating you through a completely personalized, one-to-one program, which makes learning fun, practical and effective. And most importantly, you’ll have the language tools you need to be successful in your program abroad. Did you know that Barcelona: Has the most UNESCO world heritage sites of any city in the world? Boasts art and architecture from such famous Spaniards as Picasso, Miró, Dalí and Gaudí? Has 13 Michelin starred restaurants? Is home to thousands of students, both from within Spain and around the world? Has over 3 miles of beach within 15 minutes of the city center? Is host to a completely bi-lingual community? Is no more than a 2 hour flight away from the following cities: Rome, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Munich, Madrid?

学术课程负荷:3-5门课程学分负荷:12-15学分教学语言:英语和/或西班牙语最低西班牙语水平要求:初学者(以前不需要西班牙语经验)。最低GPA: 2.5/4.0成绩单:由杰克逊维尔大学颁发(为了获得学分,学生必须获得C或更高的成绩)。在学期中,学生可以选修3学分的西班牙语课程,或6学分的西班牙语强化课程。至于选修课,有几门商科和人文学科课程用英语授课。区域研究和西班牙语课程均由博士或具有西班牙语作为外语教学或相关领域硕士学位的认证教师进行。这些课程是专门为国际学生群体设计的——他们保持西班牙的教学风格,但课程是根据学生的国际构成进行调整的。对于BIC的学期课程,学生有以下学术选择:选项A(12学分):1门西班牙语课程(90学时,6学分)加2门选修课(每门3学分)选项B(15学分):1门西班牙语课程(90学时,6学分)加3门选修课(每门3学分)选项C(12学分):1门西班牙语课程(45学时,6学分)加3门选修课(每门3学分)选项D(15学分):1门西班牙语课程(45小时,6学分)加上4门选修课(每门3学分)选项E(12学分):4门选修课(每门3学分)可能的课程包括:巴塞罗那及其历史基础本课程分析了巴塞罗那当今的国际大都市政治,经济和社会,并回顾了2000多年的历史,看看它是如何形成的。本课程将反思巴塞罗那历史上的决定性事件,以及它们如何塑造了今天的社会。特别关注的将是它的城市发展,以及它对我们今天如何与城市互动的反映。 We will determine which historical events most impacted the transformation of this Catalan capital city’s physical, architectural and cultural heritage, and discuss the importance of its location in the Mediterranean. Great 20th Century Artists: Picasso, Dali, Miro The course is centered on surrealist theory and how these theories were manifested in artistic works. The theories and poetry of Andre Breton and Sigmund Freud form the basis for the analysis of visual works by a selection of painters and sculptors but focusing on the works of Miró, Dalí and Picasso primarily, and how Catalonia influenced their works. Students will study both Breton’s Manifesto of Surrealism and Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams Dreams and how the artists conformed to or rejected, the artistic tradition where their background comes from. Sports and Society in Spain and Catalonia This course will examine various aspects of the relationship between sport and society in Spain, with a particular emphasis on sports with a long tradition in Catalonia. We will examine both the impact of sport on Spanish society and the influence of society on the practice of sport in Spain. The course begins with a consideration of general theoretical questions in the study of sport before moving on to an account of the historical development of sports in Spain in general and in Catalonia in particular. We also examine the reciprocal influences of sport violence, gender, race and ethnic and national identities in Spain. Spanish Civilization and Culture The objective of this course is to acquire general knowledge of the main events of the history of Spain and their influence upon contemporary Spanish life and culture. Additionally, we will discuss the major areas of Spanish life and how they have changed in the last century so as to better understand principal current ideological, political and cultural tendencies. Finally, by comparing U.S. and Spanish cultural trends, students should gain a new understanding of their own culture and cultural adaptation. We will look at far-reaching social issues such as politics, gender, class and religion, as well as issues facing Spain today such as obesity, regionalism, changing trends in food, and especially the Spanish family. Architecture and Urban Design: The Barcelona Example This course takes an analytical look at the present-day cosmopolitan city of Barcelona politically, economically and socially and looks back through over 2000 years of history to see how it has taken shape. This course will reflect on the definitive events in the history of Barcelona and how they have shaped today’s society. Special attention will be focused on its urban development and its reflection in how we interact with the city today. We will determine which historical events most impacted the transformation of this Catalan capital city’s physical, architectural and cultural heritage, and discuss the importance of its location in the





