Program Details

OUR LANGUAGE PROGRAM Program includes 5 hours a day one-on-one intensive instruction 5 days a week. Our program is designed for various lengths of time and levels of Spanish. All our teachers have their own varying methods, all follow a set curriculum tha
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Program Type:
Intensive Language
Degree Level:
1-3 months, 1 year

Program Overview

Program Description:
METHODS AND MATERIALS Each student is evaluated the first day of class to determine her or his level of Spanish. Then you together with your teacher will develop a study plan that reflects your needs, interests and expectations. To expose students to different teaching styles and ideas, teachers are rotated each week.

OUR LANGUAGE PROGRAM Program includes 5 hours a day one-on-one intensive instruction 5 days a week. Our program is designed for various lengths of time and levels of Spanish. All our teachers have their own varying methods, all follow a set curriculum that is divided into all levels of classifications.

LEGAL AUTHORIZATION AND AWARD WINNING RECOGNITION 1. Authorized by the Guatemalan Department of Education. 2. Authorized by the Guatemalan Institute of Tourism INGUAT. 3. Member of the Association of Spanish Schools in Quetzaltenango ACEEQ. 4. Certified by the Municipal government of Quetzaltenango.
Setting Description:
METHODS AND MATERIALS To expose students to different teaching styles and ideas, teachers are rotated each week. We have various teaching materials including grammar and exercise books with explanations in several languages.