
1 - 3个月


对许多人来说,进入一所好的医学院是一项挑战,因为重点不仅在于好成绩,还在于全面融入医疗保健社区的能力。这就是为什么国外选修课以非洲最好的医学预科必威体育投注betway课程而自豪,这是一个由经验丰富的医疗从业人员建立的课程,专注于向有抱负的医科学生灌输早期服务精神,即使他们接触到各种病例,否则他们在自己的国家是不会接触到的。基本要求是表现出对医学专业的兴趣,并专注于加入医学院。我们考虑到来自世界各地的不同设置,因此,进入这个项目的学术要求将取决于你来自哪个国家。除了一些理论知识,海外选修课程的目的是给你一个现实生活的接触,这仍然是你作为一个有抱负的医学专业人必威体育投注betway士的重要组成部分。我们过去的大多数参与者都加入了医学院,我们见证了他们中的许多人回来参加我们的项目。因此,这是一个明确的声明,无论谁热衷于成为医学专业的一部分;无论是医学预科学生还是非传统申请者,我们的课程都将极大地提高您的医学院申请,并确实对您未来的职业生涯有一个清晰的认识。医学院对那些对医学有理性认识和了解的申请者很感兴趣。选修海外医学预科课程旨在加必威体育投注betway强这种接触。 The acute shortage of healthcare personnel in the sub-Saharan region, coupled with inadequate resources then leads to a greater appreciation of the premeds as they then complement the overstretched personnel in these hospitals. Contrary to the systems in the developed countries and healthcare systems where the premeds are limited to manual and non-clinical tasks; our program is designed to give you more than just wheeling patients around the hospital. Regardless of whether you are looking at joining Medical college in Ireland, Australia, Norway, Uk, US, or any other country, our program will be a great asset towards your preparation and will indeed add much value in the personal statement section of your American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) or Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) application, or whichever application process in your respective country. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) stipulates that for admission to US medical schools, “applicants should consider volunteering at a local hospital or clinic to gain practical experience in the health professions” this stipulation cuts across medical institutions world over and so is our program designed with its provision.

我们的医学预科课程针对的是对一般医疗保健特别是医学有认真和有记录的兴趣的学生。该计划整合了各种学习组成部分,如小组讨论,在医院跟随医生和观察程序,以及在社区项目中志愿服务的时间。这个项目是独一无二的,因为它介绍了各种临床技能,并允许参与者以一种很少能在预科医生中获得的方式观察程序。学员将跟随医生和护士学习病史、全身检查、病例介绍等技能,参与日常查房、静脉插管、静脉切开术、置管、鼻胃管插入、中心静脉置管等基本程序。参与者还将观察小手术和大手术。除了医院志愿服务,参与者还参加了几个社区项目。该计划结构良好,受到监督,并由合格的医生和护士提供。学员将在课程结束时接受评估,达到课程要求的学员将获得结业证书。我们还为任何寻求大学学分的学生完成所需的表格和文件。课程的主要亮点是什么? Early and close exposure to medicine for those considering it as a profession ? Volunteer and community service in selected projects ? A unique way to demonstrate seriousness of intent in a medical school application – several of our past participants have proceeded to join medical school and we have offered application recommendations ? Opportunity to see healthcare in a different setting ? Cultural exchange and appreciation of other cultures, including a Safari to the famous Masai Mara and Tengeru National Parks, a visit to a Masai village Program schedule Timing Activities Day 1 & 2 ? Arrival: Picked up at the airport by our representative and taken to student residence – accommodation is basic, shared rooms, but comfortable ? Residence orientation, including introduction to staff that will be taking care of you during your stay ? Local orientation on surroundings - where to shop, groceries, access internet, transportation, communication, etc ? Basic Swahili lessons ? Program rules and regulations ? Welcome beach and BBQ Day 3 ? Program content introduction ? Keynote speaker ? Overview and discussion of healthcare system in Page 3 of 7 Kenya ? Introduction to your program professional mentors ? Introductions to basics such as using stethoscope for those needing introduction ? Introduction visit to the hospital and meeting staff you will be working with Next two & half weeks (days 4 through 21) ? Shadowing doctors and nurses ? Participating in ward rounds ? Observing a range of bedside procedures such as phlebotomy, insertion of intravenous cannullae, dressing and stitching of laceration, clerkship at casualty, etc ? Observing surgical procedures such as abscess drainage, caesarian section, appendectomy, ganglion excision, amputations, laparatomies, palmer abscess drainage, manual vacuum aspirations, bilateral tubal ligations, etc ? Time may be split between community health centres (for basic procedures) and more advanced facilities such as district or provincial hospitals (for complicated procedures) 2 day community service projects ? Participate in select community service projects over a dedicated one or two day period, but projects are always on-going and participants can participate during their free time* 4 day trip ? Trip to the Masai Mara, including a stop to a Masai Village* Last 2 days ? Debrief sessions, evaluation, and review. Departure BBQ Day 30 ? Departure ? Picked up at the student resident by one of our representatives and taken to your departure point





