


肯尼亚的志愿护理工作是一种理想的参与方式,可以帮助改善当地儿童的生活条件。你可以在间隔年、职业间歇或假期期间为这项重要的发展工作做出贡献。我们欢迎有资格和经验的志愿者,但你不需要具备这两者。精力、激情和对手头工作的承诺会让你度过难关。东非的肯尼亚是一个自然资源丰富、传统悠久的国家。然而,日益扩大的贫富差距导致很大一部分人口仍然生活在贫困之中。健康和卫生条件差造成预期寿命低和婴儿死亡率高。暴力管教、童工、教育落后等问题,让肯亚的童年成为一场真正的挣扎,这也是我们义工关怀计划如此重要的原因。必威在线肯尼亚的孤儿数量对该国基本的社会福利服务来说是一个巨大的问题。在确实存在的孤儿院,工作人员在有限的资源下努力为他们照顾的孩子们提供衣食和教育。 Staff all too often simply don't have the time to provide the individual love and attention that these children need so they can have as normal a childhood as possible.

在肯尼亚的海外项目团队定期必威体育投注betway为我们在所有地区的护理志愿者组织讲习班。讲习班将为您提供对当地护理系统和您工作地点背景的宝贵见解。您将收到有关在您的护理安排中开展的活动的建议和建议。工作坊也可以涵盖肯尼亚文化、你在实习中的角色和有用的资源等主题。无论你在肯尼亚的哪个关爱志愿者项目中,你都需要做好迎接挑战的准备。许多儿童迫切需要关注,毫无疑问,在场的儿童中会有健康问题和因残疾而需要特别关注的儿童。这是你作为志愿者的角色——花时间和孩子们在一起,和他们一起玩,让他们脸上带着微笑——这是国际项目志愿者如此宝贵的地方。必威体育投注betway无论你是帮助大一点的孩子做家庭作业,还是教小一点的孩子字母表,你都将是他们发展的重要组成部分。你所拥有的任何额外的兴趣或技能都可以很好地利用,请在申请时让我们当地的工作人员知道。如果你没有时间和我们一起工作四个星期或更长时间,你可以在肯尼亚参加一个为期两到三周的Care项目。 This project has been selected by our local colleagues as being suitable for short term volunteering for both the host community and the volunteer. Although you will gain a valuable cultural insight and work intensely within the local community please be aware that you may not be able to make the same impact as someone volunteering for a longer period.

人们做志愿者的一个重要原因是他们想为别人做点好事。我们与世界各地的社区合作,关注发展、儿童保育、野生动物和保护等领域。我们肯定有适合您的一对一项目!2)你会有独特的机会在国外做志愿者会给你提供独特的机会,而这些机会通常是禁止旅行者进入的。必威体育投注betway当涉及到与动物或保护项目的工作是一个志愿者有一些奇妙的优势;除非你有很强的动物生物学背景,否则你不太可能找到一个带薪的职位,让你能够在南非照顾小狮子或在哥斯达黎加照顾乌龟,如果你只是一个游客,你当然不会进入幕后!用你的能力去帮助别人!把你在朝九晚五的工作中会用到的技能带到桌子上,如果你在学校并且有大量的热情——这是最理想的。我们的一些项目确实需要特定的技能,但总的来说,我们所要求的只是想要成功和有所作为!在国外做志愿者最大的好处之一就是能够在一个新的国家度过一段较长的时间。必威体育投注betway It's a truly unique learning experience that will see you interacting with new cultures, trying out loads of awesome new food, speaking new languages and meeting new people. As a volunteer you will get a glimpse of the local culture, allowing you to become a traveller, rather than a tourist. 5) Experience Personal Growth Many volunteers come back from their experience and say they've evolved as a person. In most cases volunteers become more concerned and aware of the problems facing the world and once they've returned from a trip are usually more independent, more adventurous and more courageous - especially if it was their first independent trip. 6) Stand Out If you're looking to stand out from the crowd, volunteering is a great talking point in all forms of life - from future interviews with new employers to life stories down the pub! 7) Recognition, A Sense of Achievement and Feedback Recognition of your efforts is another thing that keeps volunteers coming back again and again. Telling someone that they are doing a good job inspires confidence and pride, and it's always great to see when you've completed building a house in Masai people for example, or helped save turtles in in Kenya! It reminds you that the work you are doing is important and that you are making a difference. All of our volunteering projects are aware of this and are genuinely grateful for the time and effort that hope mission centre volunteers contribute to their cause. 8) Learn New Things Spending some time out abroad allows you to learn about interesting cultural differences, like what Kenyans eat for breakfast or how South Africans greet their friends! The world is filled with unique experiences but it's easy to miss them if you're just passing by; try your hand at salsa, explore local customs and see if you can learn a little bit of the local lingo. It's all part of the experience! 9) Friendships, a New Family and Belonging Making friends with other volunteers is a strong motive for many of those who choose to volunteer abroad. Many volunteers make lifelong friendships that come from working through difficulties and exploring new things together. 10) Skills and Experience Want to gain a whole new host of skills? By getting stuck in on one of our volunteering projects you'll be picking up loads of handy new skill sets as you go, especially if you're helping out on a project which is a little out of your comfort zone! 11) You Could Learn a Foreign Language The best way to develop your language skills is to use it day to day in real life situations, and volunteering provides the perfect opportunity to do this. You don’t get very far practicing Spanish three hours a week if when you speak English for the other 165 hours of the week, but when spending a significant amount of time abroad you will be speaking a foreign language twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. You could be a language genius in no time! 12) See the Difference You've Made Stand back and take a look. Pausing to take a moment to see what you've achieved during your time away is an incredible experience! 14) It'll Be Bags of Fun! Whilst you're embarking on your volunteering journey, you're going to have loads of fun! Volunteer work can be hard work, but it is also great fun and extremely rewarding. 15) Build Your CV During your time away you'll find out so much about yourself. You'll learn new skills and build on your current experience, and all of the above is great for padding out your CV. 16) Spend Quality Time Away From The Norm Getting bored of your current 9-5? Take a break and volunteer. Not only will you be doing something worthwhile, but you'll get the chance to get focused about wh




