Program Details

模块即战略管理(120小时/ 12日凌晨ks) a.- Event industry knowledge, event concept, event feasibility, events venues and sites b.- Event legal compliance, business and client relationship, marketing strategies c.- Sponsorship, bud
Barcelona, Spain
Program Type:
Intensive Language
Degree Level:
1-3 months, 4-6 months

Program Overview

Program Description:
这个1学年强化训练程序designed to produce professionals in the field of Event Management. Study is likely to be a particular benefit to students studying courses in hospitality, tourism, project management and related subjects where an appreciation of event management, planning, strategy and project organization is required. Those studying Event Management emerge with business and project management skills of the highest order, ready to face any business challenge. Event management is a professional field of practice that requires sophisticated skills in strategic planning and analysis, risk assessment, marketing, budgeting, cash flow planning, event proposal development and many other topics. The field of Event Management is a business subject with a strong project focus. The skills and knowledge gained in the study of Events Management can be used in a wide range of contexts and can cover such interesting areas as business, sports and the arts. The tourism impact of events is increasingly attracting the interest of governments seeking to maximize domestic and international tourism revenues. All these are working together to develop the Event Management as a professional field and contribute the Event Management being on of the most exciting environments to work in. The main course teaching language is English. The study plan includes a 240 hours module to study a foreign language to choose between Spanish for foreigners, French or Russian. The theoretic part takes place in our school located in Barcelona city center. After the theoretic modules are completed, all students have the option to complete an internship period in one of our collaborating companies. This program will provide you theoretic, linguistic and practical skills. This training has been specially devised to teach you all the information and skills you need to become a successful events manager. Instruction is in the form of lectures, learning objectives, case studies and questions of consideration, key ideas, activities and individual assignments. Examination is in the form of written exams and individual and group assignments and workshop exercises. All foreign students have to realize a Spanish language preparation module to do an official state exam of Spanish for Foreigners DELE of the correspondent level A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2. HTL International School is an accredited DELE examination center of the Instituto Cervantes. The Spanish language exam will be done directly at school.

模块即战略管理(120小时/ 12日凌晨ks) a.- Event industry knowledge, event concept, event feasibility, events venues and sites b.- Event legal compliance, business and client relationship, marketing strategies c.- Sponsorship, budgets d.- Business risk and events bids Module II. Operational Management (120 hours / 12 weeks): a. - Project management, promotion and public relations, event staging b.- Human Resources Management, people performance c.- On-site services, safety and security, crowd procedures d.- Event protocol, event catering e.- Environmental Management, event impacts and trends Module III. Foreign Language Intensive Course (160 hours / 8 weeks) - Official DELE exam of Spanish for Foreigners preparation module - General French or Russian Language according the initial entrance level Module IV. Foreign Language for the Tourism Sector (80 hours / 4 weeks) Module V. Final Certificate Project · Project design · Research tools · Personal reflection · Appropriate questionnaire designs · Conducting academic research, literature search and review · Developing a research question, hypothesis and methodology · Managing a research project Module VI. Internship (a minimum of 3 months)

Setting Description:
This 1 academic year program provides students with the expertise and professionalism required to succeed in the fast-paced and exciting industry of event management. Students develop a strong foundation for planning events and acquire skills and knowledge in marketing, sponsorship, event logistics, risk management, budgeting, programming, entertainment and people management. Students work in teams to plan and execute an event. An internship placement is available once the program is finished where students benefit from experiential learning and networking with industry representatives.
3200 euros