Program Details

The International Hispanic Studies Programme is an academic course of study organised by the Instituto Superior de Estudios Hispánicos (based in Seville), the University Institute of Research in Irish Studies (Univ. A Coruña) and the Instituto Superior de
Sevilla, Spain
Program Type:
Intensive Language
Degree Level:
1-3 months

Program Overview

Program Description:
International Hispanic Studies Programme

The International Hispanic Studies Programme is an academic course of study organised by the Instituto Superior de Estudios Hispánicos (based in Seville), the University Institute of Research in Irish Studies (Univ. A Coruña) and the Instituto Superior de Estudios Lingüísticos y Traducción (based in Seville). We offer international students the opportunity to follow a programme focusing specifically on Spanish Language and Culture (trips, leisure time activities, cultural events...) which aims to familiarise students with life in Spain through linguistic immersion and/or to prepare them for Spanish university life.

Accommodation and meals, academic training, long distance transportation, four cultural activities, student insurance and personalized academic support, access to library and computer room, educational material and transportation from the airport will be included during stay in Seville
Setting Description:
Our Institute has put together an International Programme for Foreign Students of Spanish in Seville which will be taking place from April, May, June, July and August and which we believe to be of great interest for students. Our courses focus on culture and civilization, giving students a broad knowledge of Spanish and Latin American current issues, as well as language skills.
Details of the programme can be found on our website.