
时间:2014年4月7日至4月18日在中国经商- 4月07日至09日1.5学分近几十年来,中国经济的快速发展为其他国家的人们创造了无数的商机


上海被称为中国的经济和商业中心,是世界上发展最快的城市之一。它是一个重要的金融中心,在商业、媒体和技术方面具有影响力。ISM与复旦大学管理学院(Fudan University School of Management)合作,为学员提供学习以中国为重点的国际商务课程的机会。1917年,复旦大学成为中国第一所设立商科的高等教育机构。必威在线复旦大学管理学院成立于1985年,如今已成为国际公认的中国领先商学院。复旦大学以不断追求卓越和高质量的师资和教育而闻名。必威在线学生可以深入了解中国的商业惯例和市场。研讨会包括:中国市场、在中国经商、中国经济、人民币汇率与资产泡沫

时间:2014年4月7日至4月18日在中国经商- 4月07日至09日1.5学分近几十年来,中国经济的快速发展为其他国家的人们创造了无数的商机,进入中国市场已成为国际公司的必须。虽然每个公司进入中国市场都有自己的策略,但成功或成功的程度取决于许多外部因素。至少对中国经济交易发生的商业环境有一个基本的了解,并能够理解中国的各种商业现象,这一点至关重要。中国市场营销- 4月10日至11日1.0学分本课程的目的是让学生对中国的市场营销实践和问题有一个基本的了解。本课程将向学生介绍一些非传统和创新的方法来制定在中国的营销策略。这将有助于培养学生在中国开展业务的营销和管理技能。主题将包括:中国市场的演变;市场进入策略及关键成功因素;中国消费者特征与行为模式;以及在中国的品牌建设。 Chinese Economy - April 14-16 1.5 credits The objective of this course is for students to understand the dramatic development of the Chinese economy in the past 30 years. A wide range of hypotheses and their empirical support will be analyzed which attempt to explain this growth. The focus will be on the development of economic institutions that foster economic growth. The course should help students to develop their critical views of “the China model” or “the China experience” of economic growth. The course materials will be a collection of (mostly) academic papers, which will be supplemented with industry and firm-level cases. The format of this course will consist of lectures, in-class discussion, and group exercises such as case studies. RMB Exchange Rate and Asset Bubbles - April 17-18 1.0 credit The course is composed of two seemingly separate parts: RMB exchange rate reform and asset bubbles in China. However, an implied linkage of the two is the monetary policy. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to, on the one hand, provide students with a general view of China’s foreign exchange market and security market reform, and, on the other hand, to disclose the internal disequilibrium of the economic development. Both sessions will start with a historical review, including an introduction of the exchange rate scheme, the evolution of the markets, and some milestones. Then we propose the syndromes and try to explain them either with fundamental economic theories or specific features of China. The interrelatedness of such things as foreign exchange rates, the stock market, the real estate market, and economic development will then be addressed. Each session will end with possible conclusions and suggestions. Monetary policy will be mentioned in both parts, but from different perspectives; there will be some questions raised that are currently in dispute and to which no ultimate answer has been given. This course requires much class-room discussion and interaction between the lecturer and students. Students are strongly encouraged to ask questions and share their insights with others in the class. Since there is no textbook is available, students will get their readings from newspapers and academic journals.
