



我们在JLA自豪地提供以下课程和项目,伴随着我们的文化和课外活动。a)全日制课程:这些是全学期的课程,大约200小时。它们分为四(4)级。b)兼职课程:这些课程在星期六和晚上进行。通常,它们是基本的语言技能:阅读、写作和对话。我们也提供笔译和口译课程。c)强化课程:是一个持续约8周(170小时)的夏季浸入式课程。它包括语言和文化课程,涵盖了许多不同的主题,如全日制课程,包括俱乐部和短途旅行,志愿者工作和许多其他学习活动。d)量身定制课程:JLA提供量身定制的课程,以满足学习者的需求。我们可以根据一个或多个学生的具体技术需求安排项目和课程。 We have done that several times for students from different countries and reached excellent results. These courses can be offered anytime of the year. e) Tutoring: JLA offers one-on–one tutoring in which we use our selected curricula or a designed one according to students’ need and request. f) Cultural Program: Parallel to the language program we have a cultural program that includes Arabic literature, Calligraphy, Archaeology of Jordan, Arabic society, Arabic media, Arabic music, Middle East political issues, Arabic culture (traditions, customs, costumes and Arabic cooking). Advanced programs include language, culture, clubs, and basic courses in translation and interpretation. g) Speakers: We have a regular program of guest speakers. Our speakers are well-known distinguished people in many cultural fields. h) Excursions: Learning Arabic is not restricted to classroom education and weekdays. JLA offers a range of optional full and half-day excursions to nearby archaeological sites, natural treasures of Jordan and cultural activities and events. Your professors, specialized tour guides, or archaeologists will accompany you in your tours. Students will be encouraged to practice their Arabic in these excursions. These excursions can be combined with lessons or private tutoring. Tours are usually arranged in weekends. i) Volunteering: JLA is very keen to find natural cultural opportunities for its students to further immerse in the Arabic culture. Students can strengthen their knowledge of the social life, economic pattern, cultural norms and customs etc, by complementing their language learning experience in an authentic environment far from books and classrooms. We find volunteer work opportunities for our students in the Jordanian institutions. These opportunities are dominated by students skills, commitment, and their backgrounds from one side and the opportunities available in the Jordanian institutions at a given time. j) Clubs: JLA has the following clubs to encourage students using the language and familiarizing themselves with the culture: - Chatting Club: students will have the chance to sit and chat with a native speaker of Arabic according to a schedule of topics that enforce the topics they studied in classroom. In this club students will have a more spontaneous conversation and can learn from their own mistakes. - Arabic Games Club: Students consider this fun time. They can play Arabic games such as word scrabble, Arabic words flash cards, backgammon, Mangala, Arabic Karaoke, and many other interesting and educational games. - Book Club: The book club is arranged by your professors. Your professors will suggest an Arabic book to be read every fortnight. The professor will give a general presentation on the blogs on the JLA website. During the week, students and the professor will discuss online the main themes, the plot, the style of the writer etc. This proved to be a very informative and useful method to our students as they can learn a lot from their professors and from each other. - Cinema Club: In this club, very selective Arabic films and documentaries are presented to our students at a regular basis. - Cooking Club: One of our enthusiastic teachers will introduce major Arabic and Jordanian and Middle Eastern dishes to our students. Students will participate in preparing dishes and enjoy the food after that. In some cases, if the students number in a course or program is three or less, we have the right to change the course from a full/part- time format into tutoring format. Students are always welcome to suggest a course to the JLA administration, which will be very positively considered. We are always ready to tune our courses to meet our students’ needs so please do not hesitate to give us your comments and suggestions so we can be of help to you.
