


欢迎来到爱尔兰云学习“fáilte roimh”。云学习比大学更重要:它是一种文化。总部设在都柏林,在全国范围内提供资格证书和课程,我们的开放和热情与人们共鸣,无论他们在哪里……当学生们玩得开心时,他们学得最好,这就是云学习的全部内容。受巴黎一所著名设计艺术学院文化的启发,学习云团队不仅为员工创造了一种令人惊叹的文化,还创造了一种令人惊叹的学生和学习体验。拥有超过14年的职业教育和培训经验,并在全球培养了数万名毕业生,学必威在线习云以现代教育理念创造了一些新的,最新的,相关的和令人兴奋的东西。我们希望我们的学生勇敢。不轻。所以要突破界限,走出你的舒适区,不要害怕犯错。我们致力于培养你的个人技能,我们出色的老师和培训师将在你的每一步都陪伴着你。 We recognise the importance of finding work when you graduate and with our industry practitioners as lecturers and trainers, strong industry connections and a dedicated focus on portfolio development, completing these courses will position you as a highly-qualified and sought after graduate, especially when you have well known people recommending you. When it’s time to leave the College, you’ll be an inspired, confident and committed individual, with a valuable set of skills and contacts..

爱尔兰学习云提供的课程是别人无法比拟的。无论您是使用传统的印刷课程材料还是在线学习,都没关系,因为您可以从Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad和Android随时随地安全地访问世界各地的所有培训材料和数据。我们知道人们的学习方式不同,所以我们有很多学习选择。学习云为我们的学生提供了丰富的学习体验。我们所有的学习材料都使用丰富的多媒体和互动式自测,设计得很有趣,让你保持参与。当人们玩得开心时,他们学得更好,这就是云学习的全部内容。这是我们的一些农业课程中使用的多媒体课程。我们希望它能让你对你想要的学习计划的每个模块有一个深入的了解:

那么农业课程是关于什么的呢?农业是最多样化的产业之一,通常被认为是最具活力的产业之一。我们相信农业是一门艺术,我们的培训师随时准备与您分享这一信念。我们的在线农业课程包含讲授该领域不同方面的课程。这些包括作物学习,农业,草药,苗圃,有机,土壤问题,甚至营销。根据您的农业学习方向,我们为您提供完美的课程组合。以我们的永续农业课程中的这段视频为例。当然,很难为每门课程提供例子,但它肯定会帮助你了解你可以从你的学习经历中得到什么。如果你对地球感兴趣,无论如何都值得一看:你不必是一个对农业感兴趣的农民。如果你喜欢花卉和植物,并且有一天想拥有自己的苗圃,你将需要我们与你分享的知识来帮助你成功。 Even the proper soil care such as pH levels, how to grow in containers, and the testing methods can all help your own nursery grow into a top competitor. Release your inner artist with Learning Cloud by testing, guessing, and learning what makes the perfect hybrid plant from start to finish. Maybe your interest does lie more in the farming industry. Alternatively, you want the first organic farm in your area. Learning Cloud can help you by sharing our knowledge of crop rotation, raising better and larger crops without using chemicals, and even farm management to help you learn how to turn all of that knowledge into ways of sustaining a working farm. It is possible to turn a farm into a marketable enterprise if you have the desire and push to do so. Agriculture is a craft in its own right. There are unique and different ways of growing and managing no matter what direction you want to go in the agriculture field. Learning Cloud's trainers understand and respect this theory and are ready to share their knowledge and love for agriculture with you. We believe that strong minds can spark genius and want to share that experience. Our unique way of learning shows that while you are soaking in the information needed to succeed, you can do so while you are having fun. We want you to be obsessed about your goals, to focus without the distractions that can take away from the learning experience, all while enjoying yourself. If you are curious about new methods or using old methods in a new way, you can create your own unique methods with the assistance of Learning Cloud's trainers. There is nothing wrong with questioning the standard way of learning or the traditional way of doing something and we here at Learning Cloud support and push for this. Our unique way of learning is meant to release your artistry for the world to see and help you to achieve your ultimate goals. We believe that the best way to accomplish these goals in your craft is to push, focus, invent, and use the tools we offer you. With our assistance, we believe you can succeed at anything.