
我们相信实用的语言学习,这就是为什么我们的课程由50%的课堂教学+ 50%的旅行和活动组成。我们相信学习中文的最好方法是通过全面的语言沉浸。所有在校生


我们的大学和高中暑期海外项目由50%的课堂教学和50%的旅行和活动组成必威体育投注betway。通过将学术与体验式学习相结合,我们的强化课程真正体现了无国界的学习。我们还为不同学习水平的学生提供课程,为新学习者(没有接触过普通话的学生)和有经验的学习者(具有中等水平的书面和口语水平的学生)提供课程。新学习者将从书写第一个汉字到轻松地与母语为汉语的人进行对话(只需两周!)课程的前三天会使用一些英语来帮助学生们适应语言承诺。有经验的学习者将面临挑战,用中文深入研究和参与讨论中国文化的历史、政治和社会影响。此外,本项目面向全球申请者,整个项目将只使用中文进行。我们充满冒险的旅行不仅促进了实用的语言学习,而且还让学生们展现和发现令人兴奋的北京城市。行程包括过夜长城、798艺术区、天安门广场、紫禁城、雍和宫和老北京胡同。我们的文化活动班将为学生提供独特的机会,在实践中探索语言学习。 Examples of activities include: Chinese martial arts, cooking, Chinese traditional massage and calligraphy. Our modern housing facilities are secure and safe. They are conveniently located near the classrooms, and most students will share double rooms. Our onsite resident director will live in the same building as the students and will be accessible 24/7. Our Trips and Activities are designed with safety as our number one priority and will be conducted by our bilingual staff. All students will be provided with Beijing cell phones that have staff and emergency contact numbers programmed in the phone. We invite you to join us and to experience our unique “Moving Classroom” as we travel to some of the best sites in Beijing, China!

我们相信实用的语言学习,这就是为什么我们的课程由50%的课堂教学+ 50%的旅行和活动组成。我们相信学习中文的最好方法是通过全面的语言沉浸。所有入学的学生必须签署语言承诺书,声明在学习期间不会说中文以外的任何语言。我们的课程是由清华大学的教授团队设计的,旨在充分利用语言承诺的优势,为新学习者和有经验的学习者提供服务。(注:新学习者语言承诺在项目的前三天有一个宽限期。)我们充满冒险的旅程不仅促进了实用的语言学习,而且让学生们展现和发现令人兴奋的北京城市。这七次旅行将让学生们对北京有一个有意义的表达。学生将体验以下计划的旅行:在长城过夜-学生将在合适的住宿场所过夜。在这次过夜旅行中,学生们将徒步长城,并在周边地区参加活动。这些活动可能包括:骑马,慢雪橇下长城,探索长城附近的村庄,果园散步等等。798艺术区——学生们将有机会看到现代中国最迷人的艺术作品,并与当地艺术家互动。 Tian’anmen Square, Forbidden City, Wangfujing- This trip is dedicated to exploring famous sites and areas located in the center of town. Students will visit Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City and explore the famous Wangfujing area. Later in the evening students will enjoy a traditional Peking duck dinner. Shopping- Students will have a choice to pick from: Zhongguancun, the capital of electronic goods, The Silk market, that has everything from socks to tailors, or the Zoo market, which houses enormous amounts of clothes and shoes. Traditional Chinese Courtyard Houses and Hutongs- Students will discover the old city, by exploring these traditional Chinese houses. Students will interact with local hutong residents, make dumplings, ride in a rickshaw and explore the Hou Hai park area. Lama Temple, White Cloud Taoist Temple and Ox Street Mosque- Students will choose from three different religious sites to explore religion in China. Cultural Activities Classes These classes will give students the unique opportunity to explore language learning through doing. These classes will also be conducted with Chinese speaking staff. Cooking: This fun and interactive class with introduce students to the art of Chinese cooking. Students will shop for the ingredients needed to make authentic favorites like Kung Pao Chicken and stir-fried noodles. Chinese Martial Arts: Spring into action and discover the exciting world of martial arts. Students will explore Chinese Martial Arts as an art form, method of survival, and as a sport. Massage: After a long morning of studying students will enjoy learning Traditional Chinese Massages. This clothed massage will give students the opportunity to learn techniques involved in TCM massage in Chinese. Calligraphy: Students will enjoy trying their hand at putting ink to paper in order to explore calligraphy.





