
1 - 3个月


尼加拉瓜是中美洲新的生态留学目的地。必威体育投注betway热带气候,未受破坏的海滩,活火山和火山口湖使尼加拉瓜成为一个真正美丽的地方。这次旅行将带您前往该国西北部的莱昂,并提供机会探索该国其他地区的独特短途旅行。每周四天,你将在当地的语言学校参加西班牙语课程,以提高你的熟练程度。下午,你可以通过志愿服务来帮助改变尼加拉瓜的生活和环境。在空闲的日子里,与你的寄宿家庭和其他志愿者一起探索小镇和夜生活,在海滩上放松或参加令人兴奋的短途旅行,如火山登机,冲浪,生态探索和历史之旅。这个为期四周的冒险活动将为您赢得我们美国合作大学西雅图中央社区学院的三个学期学分。以下是您的行程安排:第一天-周六,我们的现场项目工作人员将在马那瓜机场迎接您,并将您转移到里昂。到达目的地后,你将享受一个欢迎晚宴,在那里你将被介绍给你的寄宿家庭和其他志愿者。第二天,你可以游览一下里昂的城市,让自己熟悉一下环境。 Day 3 – Orientation for your language class begins in the morning, where you will meet your instructor. In the afternoon you will be introduced to the volunteer project. Day 3 to Day 29 – Study Spanish and volunteer – this program is four days a week. During the free three days a week we organize a variety of exciting activities and excursions to help you maximize your time in Leon and Nicaragua. Day 30 – Travel to Managua for your return trip home.

学习西班牙语,为里昂社区做贡献!每周四天,你将在当地的语言学校参加西班牙语课程,以提高你的熟练程度。下午,你可以通过志愿服务来帮助改变尼加拉瓜的生活和环境。你将同时参加西雅图中央社区学院的国际合作教育课程(ITL 197)。必威在线它让学生参与负责任和具有挑战性的志愿者活动,为共同利益服务,同时帮助他们获得理解,获取知识,并发展在全球相互依存和文化多样化的世界中生活所需的技能。早上你将在里昂最好的语言学校——Dariana Spanish School上西班牙语课。每周四天上课,以提高外语水平。在入学指导期间,你将参加一个简短的分班测试,以确定你应该被安排在哪个级别。达里亚纳西班牙语学校是以莱昂最著名的诗人鲁本·达里奥命名的,由尼加拉瓜当地的教育工作者于2005年创立。他们专门提供西班牙语言和文化的全面沉浸。 Classes are offered for all levels of Spanish speakers, from beginner to advanced. All teachers are highly qualified, native speakers with college degrees. Dariana has quickly become the most accomplished language school in Leon through the quality of their education, their contribution to the community, and the friendly and welcoming nature of the staff. Seattle Central Community College While attending your Spanish language classes, you will be simultaneously enrolled in Seattle Central Community College’s course called Cooperative Education (ITL 197). This is an independent study course that provides you with the opportunity to earn academic credit for volunteer service in an international setting. It is intended to provide both personal and professional growth for students who want to work directly with another culture. It engages students in responsible and challenging volunteer activity for the common good, while helping them gain understanding, acquire knowledge, and develop the necessary skills for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world. Assignments for this class offer a chance for research and reflection, and consist of a daily journal, proof of completion of language student and volunteer hours, and a final report.

我们与里昂最好的西班牙语学校之一和西雅图中央社区学院合作,创建了这个独特的海外学习项目,其中包括上午学习西班牙语和下午的志愿服务。必威体育投注betway这种结合提供了每天与当地尼加拉瓜人一起动手学习的经验。你将与当地家庭一起生活,这将使你深入了解尼加拉瓜文化,并加强你的西班牙语学习经验。这个项目每周运行四天,让你有机会参加里昂提供的各种各样的活动,或者在周末去尼加拉瓜的其他地方旅行。这是一次真正改变人生的经历,保证你离开时不仅能掌握更高水平的西班牙语,还能真正深入了解尼加拉瓜文化。志愿者:在出发前三周,我们会通知学生他们的志愿者安排。位置是根据每个学生的兴趣仔细确定的。所有志愿者组织都是安全的,建立良好的,并始终由现场NicaEco工作人员监控。不要求事先有西班牙语知识,但鼓励学生学习。在整个志愿者项目中,学生将定期进行检查,并要求他们提供反馈。 We offer a variety of volunteer organization for placement, such as children’s education, environmental preservation and community building. Excursions and Activities: • Historic Tour of Leon: city orientation that takes place upon arrival • Welcome Dinner in Leon • Weekend Excursion 1: On Saturday, travel outside Leon to climb an active volcano and try our thrilling volcano boarding. On Sunday, travel to the coast for some relaxing beach time, surfing lessons and a sunset barbeque • Weekend Excursion 2: Take a trip to Granada for lunch and zip lining through the cloud forest on the Mombacho Volcano. Spend the evening with a tour of Masaya Marketplace, and after that get to know the culture and nightlife of Granada. The following day travel to Laguna Asososca. Kayak, swim, and relax. This lagoon is formed within a volcanic crater and is blessed with crystal clear, clean warm water and jungle fringed slopes. • Optional Cultural Activities (for a small fee): These activities take place throughout the week during free time and include salsa dancing, cooking lessons, and local concert within the city.




