



意大利意甲俱乐部成立于1998年,先后由罗伯托·费里、蒂齐亚娜·梅里菲、芭芭拉·罗西和科琳娜·罗西领导。你会遇到的第一个人是罗伯托,他很健谈,善良,总是微笑,一个典型的意大利人!他是这所学校的组织策划者。罗伯托会帮你计划去厄本尼亚的行程。他会告诉你安全到达这里所需的所有相关信息。一旦你到了学校,他会在整个课程中与你保持联系。他会为所有事情找到解决方案,确保你在厄本尼亚度过一段美好的时光。罗伯托出生在厄本尼亚。他以测量员的身份学习并毕业。他立刻发现,线条和正方形并不适合他丰富的创造力! Therefore he worked with dedication in the organisational direction of a language school in Le Marche from 1985 until 1995. After ten years in this position Roberto had a solid foundation of experience under his feet and then he decided to make the next step in his career. In 1998 he established his own language school which he called Scuola Italia! In his free-time, Roberto loves to spend time outdoors. He lives with his wife and son in a beautiful house in the country. Roberto relaxes by going truffle hunting with his dog. The white truffles are an exquisite culinary delicacy found in this region. He also plays tennis, is a keen jogger and loves photography. Barbara has always lived in Urbania. She studied in Urbino and received a diploma from the Technical Institute for Tourism. She continued on to graduate with a degree in Arts and Philosophy from the University of Urbino, specialising in art history. From 1990 to 1995, she taught in various high-level institutes in the province and during the holidays, she discovered the pleasure of teaching Italian to foreign students. Barbara is passionate about sharing her love of the Italian language and culture. She has a dynamic personality which is a great asset to both the school and the students. Barbara has a lively sense of humour that will make you feel at ease and help you overcome any shyness about speaking in a new language. Barbara is married with two sons. Like many wonderful Italian mothers a lot of Barbara’s free time is spent supporting her sons varied interests. However the other big passion in her life is acting on-stage. She is a member of a theatrical company of Urbania. Barbara performs annually in local theatres in Le Marche and in other regions of Italy. She likes performing in classic comedies in the Italian language; diction, therefore, is her forte! Corinna is responsible along with Barbara for the didactic direction of Scuola Italia. Originally from Urbania, Corinna studied at the University of Urbino. She graduated with a degree in Languages and Foreign Literature in 1998. Her passions of travelling, learning about other cultures and speaking different languages makes Corinna a perfect fit for Scuola Italia. Corinna she has obtained much of her experience abroad. During her time at university, Corinna received a study-grant to go to Nancy in France with the program Erasmus. In 1997 she was nominated by the Minister of Public Instruction as the assistant of the Italian language in Nizza in France. One of the most significant aspects of Corinna’s teaching career was in 2000 when she collaborated with the Pedagogic Institute of Klagenfurt in Austria, holding courses of Italian didactics and proficiency and courses also in Udine Italy. Corinna has held conferences on particular French authors at the Università della Terza Età of Fano. She has collaborated with the Council Administration of Urbania as a French interpreter. Corinna taught English at the middle school in Sant’Angelo in Vado, and taught Italian from 1982 till 1992 in a foreign language school in Le Marche. In her free time, Corinna loves to read, she enjoys going to the theatre, going the local swimming pool with her children, playing tennis and singing in the congregational choir of Urbania. Corinna has helped to found the children’s choir in Urbania. Tiziana Meliffi (born in 1952) graduated in Italian Literature in Urbino. She is involved with the public relations of Scuola Italia.

当你在这里的时候,在你的空闲时间有很多美妙的事情可以做;在周围的丘陵和山脉中有令人惊叹的散步。这里有令人兴奋的山地自行车道,可以测试各种水平的经验。也有穿越乡村的骑马徒步旅行。如果你对运动感兴趣,这里有带顶棚的游泳池、健身房、网球场和田径跑道。在炎热的夏日夜晚,来城市广场享受热闹的生活吧。还有一家放映最新电影的电影院。Scuola Italia距离市中心只有几分钟的步行路程。学校在一个新的综合大楼里,里面有一个咖啡馆和一些小商店。学校有空调房间,非常适合学习意大利语。 Scuola Italia can help you hire a bicycle to discover the nearby villages, or if you wish to adventure further they can organise a hire car for you.