


欢迎来到塔斯马克伦敦留学项目。必威体育投注betwayTASMAC伦敦商学院是一所与威尔士大学合作的学术机构,威尔士大学是英国第二大学位授予机构,在TASMAC伦敦校区提供大学课程。TASMAC伦敦分校是由英国认证委员会(BAC)认证的,被英国边境管理局(内政部)评为“A”级机构,由EURASHE认证,是欧洲商业教育和研究委员会英国成员。必威在线我们在伦敦有两个校区,我们的MBA研究生校区在温布利,我们的本科校区在伦敦西北部的金斯伯里,距离市中心只有20分钟的路程。TASMAC London目前也是美国商学院和项目认证委员会(ACBSP)认证的候选人。留学学生可以必威体育投注betway选择在英国的TASMAC伦敦分校或我们在印度的其他三家TASMAC分支机构之一进行留学。浦那,加尔各答和班加罗尔。TASMAC伦敦:MBA和BBA课程。TASMAC印度:只有MBA课程。海外学习项目允许在其必威体育投注betway他学校和大学注册的学生花一个学期的时间与TASMAC伦敦商学院的其他学生一起学习本科或研究生模块(课程)。 Students from all over the world join our Study Abroad Programme and are fully integrated into both the academic and social life of the school. From Business to Information Systems, and Accounting to Customer Relationship Management you can combine four modules (classes) each semester from a wide range of subject areas as part of your study abroad experience. The Admissions Department will work with you to ensure you select the classes to suit your needs. Semester duration is: 4 months Study Broad students can choose to start their programme in: Fall Semester –late September, Spring Semester – early February, Summer Semester – early June. Most programs have rolling admissions, but Students should apply two months before the start of each semester. Space in all programs and accommodation is limited to availability, so apply as early as possible. If the deadline has passed, contact TASMAC London to see if you are still able to apply.

学生通常需要在一个学期内修相当于60个英国学分。这意味着学生通常每学期修4个模块,因为大多数模块每个学分值15个英国学分。每个模块的学分值显示在模块列表中的每个模块及其描述旁边。为了符合全日制学生的资格,一个学期必须修满52.5个英国学分。为了避免由于时间冲突,课程填满,模块提供的最后一分钟更改等原因造成的失望,您必须每学期至少做出8个模块选择- 4个首选模块选择和4个替代模块选择。如果您目前是学生,这些模块必须由您所在机构批准学分转移。您的模块选择必须与您的申请一起提交,并且必须在申请表上按偏好顺序列出。在TASMAC伦敦分校,每个模块都是在特定学习年份对应的级别上进行验证的。使用的级别是:第4级,相当于本科学位的第一年;第5级,相当于本科学位的第二年;第6级,相当于本科学位的第三年;第7级,相当于研究生学位水平模块。TASMAC伦敦分部使用的等级可能不同于国外用来定义你所习惯的等级的系统,在选择模块时应该考虑到这些等级。 Some overseas institutions consider the first year of their undergraduate degrees to be the equivalent of the foundation year of UK university undergraduate degrees. You should discuss this matter with your home institution, in order to ensure that you make module choices appropriate to your programme of study and that you gain approval for credit transfer. Will my classes transfer? It is your responsibility to confirm with your home university which classes you transfer credits for. We are happy to assist you in any way we can, by providing advice, support, and any materials needed, e.g. class syllabi. (TASMAC London does not guarantees, that credits earned will be accepted by other institutions.) Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and Specialist Subjects. As a Study Abroad student, you are not expected to have taken the specific pre-requisite requirement, but you must have studied a relevant or similar course / module in your home country/ institution. You can only apply for postgraduate level modules if you are currently studying for a postgraduate level degree in your home institution. If no pre-requisites are specified, then modules should be open to all students. However, you should take previous academic experience into account when making module choices. Obtaining Module Approval If you are a current student, you should where possible, obtain module approval for credit transfer from your home institution at the time of your application, or at least before you arrive in the UK. As TASMAC London School of Business is unable to guarantee the availability of any of the modules listed here, it is important to obtain approval for both you preferred module choices and alternative module choices. For this reason, students who have an academic requirement to complete a specific module in order to graduate from their home institution are advised to consider very carefully before applying for a Study Abroad. By the time you arrive in the UK, it is important that you have clear information with regard to the module approval and credit transfer systems in place at your home institution, so that your final module registrations differ from your original module choices, you can be confident that your home institution is likely to approve any changes. Please note that is your responsibility to liaise with your home institution should there be any late changes to your module choices, although where necessary the Admissions Department will endeavour to facilitate the process for you (e.g. providing module syllabi).

为什么是伦敦塔斯马克?地点:伦敦是世界上最伟大的国际大都市之一。留学学生可以必威体育投注betway选择我们在伦敦、浦那、班加罗尔和加尔各答的分支机构。(印度-仅限海外MBA学习)。必威体育投注betway通过威尔士大学认证:在TASMAC伦敦分校,学生将在英国第二大学位授予机构学习。TASMAC伦敦商学院是威尔士大学的认证合作伙伴,学生将获得威尔士大学的学分。卓越的业绩记录:TASMAC集团在过去10年中一直提供英国管理教育课程。必威在线国际认可:TASMAC是国际认可的认证商学院。实习机会:我们在伦敦的实习让学生有机会在真实的商业环境中工作,获得实际的工作经验,同时能够承担真正的责任和战略决策。(*TASMAC London不保证就业或工资,仅限欧盟公民)经验丰富的教学人员:TASMAC London的教学人员拥有来自商业背景的各种学术成就,为每堂课带来新鲜的视角和专业经验。 Diverse Student Body and Faculty: At TASMAC, students will become part of our diverse and ever-expanding international community. While attending TASMAC London, you are fully integrated with our degree seeking students. Smaller classes: At TASMAC London, classes are small to give a more personal and direct approach to teaching. Vibr




